CK Chondrite

Class of carbonaceous chondrite named for the Karoonda meteorite that fell in Australia in 1930. They are more oxidized than all other carbonaceous chondrites and genetically distinct from CV chondrites. CK chondrites appear dark-gray or black due to a high percentage of Cr-rich magnetite dispersed in a matrix of dark silicates, consisting of Fe-rich olivine (Fa28-33) and pyroxene (Fs22-29). The presence of Fe3+ indicates oxidizing conditions, yet there is no sign of aqueous alteration or phyllosilicates. Chondrules averaging ~0.7 mm comprise ~15 vol. %. Most CK chondrites contain large CAIs (~4 vol. %) and some show shock veins indicating a violent impact history.

Some or all content above used with permission from J. H. Wittke.

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