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TENERE-1 (Provisional)

CR7 or Meta-CR (CR-like in MetBull 86; CR-an in MetBull DB) Found March 2000, 20 [...]


Primitive AchondriteAchondrite with an almost chondritic composition with age similar to the primordial chondrites. These [...]

NWA 10503

Meta-CV or -ung ‘CX’ trend (AchondriteAn achondrite is a type of stony meteorite whose precursor [...]

NWA 7030

Meta-LL click on photo for a magnified view Found 2011 no coordinates recorded A single [...]

NWA 6348

Meta-L (L7 in MetBull 102 [submitted as Achondrite-ung]) Found 2010 no coordinates recorded A stone [...]