David Weir: Meteorite Studies
Pluto Walk, Lowell Observatory
This photo was taken September 1990 in Flagstaff, Arizona during a chance meeting between Doug [...]
TENERE-1 (Provisional)
CR7 or Meta-CR (CR-like in MetBull 86; CR-an in MetBull DB) Found March 2000, 20 [...]
As with other ureilites, Almahata Sitta falls on the carbonaceous chondriteCarbonaceous chondrites represent the most [...]
NWA 1912
MesosideriteOne of two main types of stony-iron meteorite, the other being pallasites. Mesosiderites are a [...]
Denshal Dog Data: Is the Nakhla Dog Real?
Separating Myth from Fact: Is the Nakhla Dog Real? A Personal Analysis By David Weir [...]