LL Chondrite

Ordinary chondrites (“low Fe” / “low metal”) with only 1 to 3% free metal. Their olivine is more Fe-rich than in the other ordinary chondrites (Fa27-32), implying that the LL types must have formed under more oxidizing conditions than their H or L cousins. Orthopyroxene compositions are also Fe-the rich (Fs23-26). LLs have the largest chondrules found in ordinary chondrites, averaging ~1 mm. Scientists are still searching for a probable parent body for this group. One small main belt asteroid, 3628 Boznemcová, shows a similar reflectance spectrum, but with a diameter of just 7 km it seems too small to be regarded as the progenitor of all the LL meteorites.

Some or all content above used with permission from J. H. Wittke.

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