Smelting Waste or Slag

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Slag is manufactured, sold and transported by the thousands of tons for use as road construction aggregate and many other industrial uses. Slag is often found by the side of railroad tracks where it has been transported. Even if the material did not come from a recent local smelting, it may have come from a much older smelting operation or been picked up by someone and thrown away in a different location. Slag can be found everywhere including some of the most unlikely locations. It’s even been used as fertilizer/soil conditioner for crops. Slag has literally been spread and found in nearly every corner of the earth. If people have been in the area at any time in the past, then it can be slag.

Though slag can take many forms it is very distinctive in that it is riddled with large and small holes (vesicles). Slag looks just like slag, and NO meteorite looks like slag.

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