Light resulting from scattering of sunlight off small (1-300 µm) interplanetary dust particlesExtremely small (~10 μm in diameter) particles found on Earth (or collected during high altitude flights) that are probably from outer space. Their small size poses a problem for most common chemical and petrographic analytical techniques and thus research into IDPs is marked by the application of new analytical procedures lying in the plane of the eclipticPlane of Earth's orbit around the sun. All the planets except Mercury and Pluto have orbits in nearly the same plane. The Sun's axis is tilted at an angle of 7 °15' to the ecliptic, which has been proposed as evidence the Sun was originally part of a binary star system.. This dust originates through the sublimationProcess in which a material changes from a frozen solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state. Whether a material will sublimate, melt, or vaporize depends on the temperature and pressure of its environment. For example, if the pressures are low enough, water ice will turn directly into of cometary nuclei and collisions between asteroids, and forms a band of dust that completely circles the SunOur parent star. The structure of Sun's interior is the result of the hydrostatic equilibrium between gravity and the pressure of the gas. The interior consists of three shells: the core, radiative region, and convective region. Image source: The core is the hot, dense central region in which the and stretches out to the orbitThe elliptical path of one body around another, typically the path of a small body around a much larger body. However, depending on the mass distribution of the objects, they may rotate around an empty spot in space • The Moon orbits around the Earth. • The Earth orbits around of Jupiter.