The surface surround the region out of which light itself cannot escape a black holeMaximally gravitationally collapsed object predicted to exist by the theory of general relativity, from which no material object, light or signal of any kind can escape. Many black holes form when a high mass supergiant star explodes in a supernova explosion at the end of its life. A star probably. No signal or information from within the event horizon can reach the outside universeThat which contains and subsumes all the laws of nature, and everything subject to those laws; the sum of all that exists physically, including matter, energy, physical laws, space, and time. Also, a cosmological model of the universe.. Furthermore, nothing can prevent a particle from hitting the singularityRegions of space where the density of matter, or the curvature of space-time, becomes infinite and the concepts of space and time cease to have any meaning. Singularities are predicted to occur in all black holes and in certain models of the Universe. For example, open Friedmann models of the in a very short amount of proper time once it has entered the event horizon. For a nonrotating black hole, the horizon is located at the Schwarzschild radius.