Rumuruti R-Type
NWA R-Type (Unclassified)
R chondriteChondrites are the most common meteorites accounting for ~84% of falls. Chondrites are comprised [...]
NWA 7514
R5, rumurutiiteMember of a rare group of chondrites, formerly named the Carlisle Lakes group, after [...]
NWA 1668
R5, rumurutiite Purchased October 2002 coordinates not recorded A very fresh 710 g stone with [...]
NWA 978
R3.8, rumurutiiteMember of a rare group of chondrites, formerly named the Carlisle Lakes group, after [...]
NWA 753
R3.9, rumurutiite Found January 2000 coordinates not recorded Multiple fragments weighing together 12 kg were [...]
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