L/LL5 Fell June 9, 1866 48° 54′ N., 22° 24′ E. Following detonations, a shower [...]
H/L3.6 Fell July 15, 1878 49° 36′ N., 17° 7′ E. A single 27.4 kg [...]
Seemore Downs 001
L/LL4 Found April 1991 30° 35′ S., 125° 13′ E. When found in Western Australia, [...]
L/LL5 Fell July 2, 1982 32° 05′ N., 121° 30′ E. A single stone of [...]
NWA 4156
H/L6 Purchased before 2006 no coordinates recorded Five paired stones having a combined weight of [...]