Tektites for Sale
Tektites are the glassy remnants of violent meteorite impacts with the Earth across the previous millions of years. SkyFall offers a varied selection of authentic tektites for sale representing many of these awe-inspiring destructive impacts from across the globe. When an impact is too large, all evidence is vaporized; when too small no tektites are created. However, when conditions are just right, tektites will form with various shapes, colors, compositions and features. When left in various soil conditions they will become etched giving them unique textures and figuring. Offering tektites for sale requires expertise, knowledge and a strong desire to share both. We are proud of our reputation as one of the most trusted, reliable and ethical dealers in the tektite community.
SkyFall Meteorites caters to the first time buyer as well as the avid collector, and we look forward to serving you.