Brand & Logo Guidelines

SkyFall Meteorites is providing these brand guidelines to ensure its brand, logo and name are clearly and accurately identified in 3rd party media.

Our official name is SkyFall Meteorites and because there exists companies in the United States whose name or product includes the words “sky” and “fall”, always refer to our company as “SkyFall Meteorites” in spoken and written communications for clarity and brand reinforcement. “SkyFall Meteorites” is always written as two words, ensure that the “S”, “F” and “M” are capitalized and never add a space between the words “Sky” and “Fall”.

Our logo consists of a meteor trail circling a crescent moon with the name “SkyFall Meteorites” inside the crescent. The TM symbol may never be removed from the logo.

The SkyFall Meteorites logo, in part and its entirety, is trademarked. Always use official master art for our logo – never recreate it. To limit abuse, the master art is not available online and can be requested by emailing